Best Physical Therapist Near Beverly Hills, Michigan - 5 Star Rated Clinic

Welcome to Synergy Rehab, the best physical therapist near Beverly Hills, Michigan. Your go-to place for exceptional care and personalized physical therapy treatment plans.

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We are not just a place for recovery but a partner in your journey to health and wellness. Whether you’re recovering from an injury surgery, or managing chronic pain, our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way.


At Synergy Rehab, our core belief systems revolves around the thought that each patient deserves the highest standard of care. We are committed to being the top choice for physical therapy Beverly Hills residents trust.

Human body

Neurological Disorders

Neck Pain Relief

Back Pain Relief

Hip & Knee Pain Relief

Shoulder Pain Relief

Foot & Ankle Pain Relief

Hand Pain Relief

Elbow Pain Relief

Tapan Raut - A physical therapist

About Synergy Rehab

Synergy Rehab was established by Tapan Raut, a physical therapy expert with 18+ years of experience in treating and healing patients, with a vision to offer unparalleled physical therapy services near Beverly Hills. Our mission is to deliver high-quality care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. 

Our highly qualified and experienced therapists are ensure to provide the personalized treatment so you regain your strength and mobility. As a premier Beverly Hills physical therapy clinic, we pride ourselves on creating a welcoming and friendly environment so our patients not only feel at home, but also get the treatment that heals effectively.

Our Physical Therapy Services

Sports Injury Therapy

Sports injury with a boy

We specialize in treating sports-related injuries, helping athletes return to peak performance. Our sports injury therapy Beverly Hills program takes care of the unique challenges faced by athletes including Achilles Tendonitis, Rotator Cuff Tear, Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis), Hamstring Strain, Groin Pull, Shin Splints, Ankle Sprain, Patellofemoral Syndrome (Runner’s Knee), Dislocated Shoulder and more. 


Sports injury with a boy
Post surgical rehabilitation

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Post surgical rehabilitation

Our post-surgical rehab programs are designed to promote faster recovery and restore function after crucial surgeries. With our expert post-surgical rehabilitation Beverly Hills services, patients can expect a smoother and more efficient healing process.



Auto Injuries Rehabilitation

auto accidents injury

We provide specialized care for recovery from car accident injuries, focusing on pain relief, mobility restoration, and functional recovery.





auto accidents injury
Physical therapist and patient

Pain Management

Physical therapist and patient

We provide effective pain management solutions to alleviate chronic neck, back, shoulder, and groin pain and improve quality of life. Our Beverly Hills techniques are tailored to each individual’s specific pain points and conditions.





Custom Physical Therapy Plans

Physical therapy Sessions

Our personalized treatment plans ensure to meet your specific needs and goals and you lead a happy, healthy life. We emphasize creating plans that address each patient’s unique requirements.




Physical therapy Sessions

Why Choose Synergy Rehab?

Experienced Therapists

Our team consists of top-rated physical therapists near Beverly Hills with extensive experience and specialized training. Our reputation as the best physical therapist near Beverly Hills is built on the expertise and dedication of our staff.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

The most modern equipment and facilities ensure we provide advanced physical therapy services. This also ensures that our patients receive the most effective treatments available.

Personalized Care

We do not use one size fits all technique. We develop treatment plans to address your needs and preferences. Each treatment plan is meticulously crafted to provide the highest level of care.

Don’t just take our word for it—our patient testimonials speak volumes about the quality of care we provide.

Happy Patients Review

Aerin Fink
Aerin Fink
The staff here is amazing. I really enjoyed learning more about the mind-body connection and found that everyone was extremely passionate about their work. I look forward to returning!
FaDe_ Clicks
FaDe_ Clicks
Tapan is an amazing PT and I am grateful to him for helping my shoulder get better in such less time. The entire staff at Synergy is very courteous and friendly. Highly recommend this place!!
MonYah Diallo
MonYah Diallo
Synergy Rehab is the best place to be for your Physical Therapy. The staff is very professional, knowledgeable and friendly you will leave out feeling good after each visit with the PT you received
Bela Amin
Bela Amin
Excellent Physical therapist I walked in with severe pain in my left knee and hip and left there felt like I was walking on clouds. Tapan is a highly skilled and knowledgeable therapist with excellent manual therapy skill set. I don’t know many PT’s nowadays who have this knowledge let alone manual therapy skills. These skills are perfected over time and proven with his outcomes. I would highly recommend his professionalism, knowledge and clinic to anybody wanting to get off the regular hamster wheel that the therapy world has become. Clinic is clean and well equipped. 10 ⭐️. Beautiful modern clinic
Mitch DePerno
Mitch DePerno
I have only gone for a few sessions, but this group seems very knowledgeable and work well to find the root of my back and sciatica issues. Plan on doing your exercises to strengthen your muscles to recover!
Melissa Wienczewski
Melissa Wienczewski
The team at Synergy in Southfield is seriously the best! I have had an amazing experience: from the front desk to the therapists and the assistant. They are all very talented, knowledgable, kind, and helpful. I can't say enough postive things about this team!
Lawrence Hendricks
Lawrence Hendricks
I was initially referred to Synergy Rehab but an athlete I met @ U-M Varsity Tennis ???? Center. The Physical Therapist I was referred to was out of the country. I suffered a traumatic injury to my neck & upper back. I met a Physical Therapist @ St. Basil Byzantine Catholic Church ⛪️. Corryn has helped me to heal ???? so much that it is hard to imagine that I have the mobility I have today compared to 5 weeks ago. Synergy Rehab cares about every patient with Great Love & Concern!!! All the Best!!! Rev. Deacon Lawrence
Swati Kapoor
Swati Kapoor
Struggled with hip pain for a year, no relief from consultations. Synergy Rehab, Mr. Tapan, brought immediate relief and provided long-term home workout guidance. Extremely thankful. Highly recommend.

Our Team’s Expertise

Our team of physical therapists is the backbone of Synergy Rehab. Each therapist brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and a passion for patient care. Get to know our key therapists and learn about their specializations and commitment to ongoing education and training. Our experienced and best physical therapists near Beverly Hills are dedicated to staying updated with the latest advancements in physical therapy, ensuring our patients receive the best care possible.

Physcial therapy team

Manual Therapy: At the Forefront of Rehabilitation

At Synergy Rehab, manual therapy is a cornerstone of our treatment approach, placing us at the forefront of rehabilitation techniques. To manipulate muscles as per the need, manual therapy proves to be the best technique that caters to joints, and soft tissues, providing numerous benefits:

Manual therapy effectively alleviates pain by addressing the root cause of discomfort, whether from an injury, chronic condition, or post-surgical recovery.

Techniques such as joint mobilization and soft tissue manipulation help restore movement and flexibility, which is crucial for patients recovering from injuries or surgery.

Manual therapy promotes better blood flow, which aids in healing and reduces inflammation.

We thoroughly understand each patient’s specific needs, ensuring targeted and effective treatment.

Our commitment to using advanced physical therapy techniques, including manual therapy, underscores our dedication to providing the best physical therapy near Beverly Hills.

Advanced technology in physical therapy excercise

Advanced Technology

At Synergy Rehab, we stay at the forefront of physical therapy by incorporating advanced techniques and technology into our practice. From manual therapy to modern therapeutic exercises, we offer a wide range of treatments designed to enhance recovery and improve outcomes. Our advanced physical therapy techniques ensure our patients get the right benefits from the most innovative and effective treatments available.

You can find us easily with the map and directions provided on our website. Our Beverly Hills physical therapy clinic is conveniently located to serve you.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Q1. What should I expect during my first physical therapy session?

During your first session, our therapists conduct a thorough examination to understand your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. This initial consultation is crucial for creating customized physical therapy plans that meet your specific needs.

Yes, we are affiliated to all major insurance providers in USA. You can check with the front desk for more information.

The number of sessions will depend on your specific condition and treatment plan. Our therapists will provide a schedule that best suits your needs. Regular visits to our Beverly Hills physical therapy clinic will ensure the best possible outcomes.

Each physical therapy session typically lasts 45 to 60 minutes. it may be different depending on the plan and the patient’s specific needs. Consistent attendance and following the prescribed exercises can significantly enhance recovery.

You can wear comfortable lose fitting tracks, pajamas, or leggings that allow easy movement. Athletic wear such as shorts, t-shirts, and sneakers are ideal. This will help you to perform exercises and stretches without restriction during your therapy sessions.

Yes, physical therapy can be highly effective to manage long-staying conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic back pain. Our pain management Beverly Hills programs are designed to alleviate symptoms, improve mobility, and enhance overall quality of life for those with chronic conditions.

Meet Our Expert
Physical Therapists

We Provide the highest level of satisfaction care & services to our patients.

Contact Us

For more details or to arrange an appointment, please contact our friendly team. You can reach us by phone, email, or through our website.